Monday, March 21, 2005

It just has to get better!

The last 3 months have been a very trying and upsetting time for myself and my family.

Well, where do I start... okay, here goes.

My Mum's brother died a week before Christmas, My Dad's brother died Christmas eve, and then my poor Mum's really gone through it again as two of her sisters have died in the last week.

In the meantime, I had a large mole removed from the sole of my foot in December. The Specialist said it was nothing to worry about. However, when the results came back it was skin cancer. I can't begin to tell you how I felt after hearing the dreaded 'c' word... but I was determined to beat it, I had to be strong and brave in order to get through it. I had the second op in February to try and remove it all. In the end, both feet were operated on as skin taken from left foot to graft onto the right one. I am still off sick 7 weeks later and will probably be off until early May. I have grown very attached to the lovely blue crutches that help me get about, they've been a godsend!
But this part of the story has a happy ending... the results came back and I have been given the all clear. The only treatment I have to have now is check ups every 3 months for the next 5 years.

Whilst being off sick from work, my role has now been made redundant due to a restructure. Now, that means, as it stands at the moment I don't have a job to go back to! HR are trying to find me a suitable job so fingers crossed!

So to sum it all up, its been a hell of a start to 2005.... as the saying goes "all things happen for a reason", I hope so... there has been far too much upset lately, I'd like some happy stuff now, please!


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