Friday, May 20, 2005

Work is for suckers! (so Yogi said)

It's been my first week back at work, and I have somehow survived....

It wasn't easy, in fact, it was bloody hard work, but I did it!
I hadn't realised that after three and a half months off sick it would be such hard work. I am utterly shattered (although jdavid said he'd put me back together again!) and right now, I'm not even sure who I am or what I'm doing ;)

I now wake up to an odd sound called an alarm clock... have breakfast at some ungodly hour, I have had to find footwear that doesn't hurt my feet, clothes that go with the footwear and then drive for 45 minutes before I even start work. Once there, so many people have asked, "have you been bored being off for so long?" to which I reply... ummm, let me think, was I bored, did I miss being at work? no way, I was having way too much fun on flickr and #flickr IRC! :)

I think I'm going to enjoy working in my new department. I don't think they realise just how mental and mad I am, but they will soon, and then it'll be too late to send me back!

On monday I will be sitting at my new desk, with my new PC and phone, and it'll all go down hill from there! Today (Friday) I feel like I have never been away, yet the healing skin on my feet are telling me a different story!

I've done so many "firsts" this week, things that I would normally have taken for granted, but I haven't since all of this has happened! And on Wednesday, I started my first of six Salsa dance classes, and I thouroughly enjoyed it. My feet were screaming out to stop, but as it's something I have wanted to learn for years I ignored them hurting for the 2 hours. I really have come a long way in such a short time... and for that I'm very proud of myself. And I want to say a very big thank you to all of you who have given me your support and telling me I can do it, and for being there just in case I fall or waiver.

Bless you, because you have all made such a difference to my recovery! xxx


At 8:24 PM, May 24, 2005, Blogger Ms. Entropy said...

SALSA DANCING???????????????

Ay dios mio! Good for YOU! :)

At 8:36 PM, May 24, 2005, Blogger Curly girly said...

Awww, thanks Ms Entropy!
I am not going to give in to the pain, just determined to battle through it.

Plus, the male salsa instructor has such a cute bum, and oh boy, he can really wiggle it too that it helps me to forget that my feet hurt ;)


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